Large Turnout at Everything Is Broken Book Launch

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John Dufresne introduces the Friday Night Writers at the Everything Is Broken book signing.

We ran out of chairs for the audience at our premier book signing of Everything Is Broken. Over 50 guests converged on Books & Books in Coral Gables on Sunday, February 16 2014, to listen to the Michael Creeden, Ingrid López, Louis K. Lowy, David Beaty, and Tim Curtis read passages from their short stories. From a bookselling standpoint, sales were very strong: a total of 26 books were sold that afternoon. Right on! This was the launch of the short story anthology by the Friday Night Writers. The accompanying videos recap the event.

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Stony Brook Computer Science Professor Quantifies Some Elements of Writing Style That Differentiate Successful Fiction


Dr. Choi and her colleagues in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences—Vikas Ashok, a teaching assistant in the Department of Computer Science, and Song Feng, a fifth year PhD student in the same department.

STONY BROOK, NY, January 6, 2014 – Imagine the challenge publishers face, pouring over thousands of manuscripts to determine if a book will be a hit. Stony Brook Department of Computer Science Assistant Professor Yejin Choi thinks she has a tool to bring some science to that art, and she is co-author of a paper, Success with Style: Using Writing Style to Predict the Success of Novels, which was unveiled at the conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2013.

“Predicting the success of literary works poses a massive dilemma for publishers and aspiring writers alike,” Choi said. “We examined the quantitative connection between writing style and successful literature. Based on novels across different genres, we investigated the predictive power of statistical stylometry in discriminating successful literary works, and identified the stylistic elements that are more prominent in successful writings.”

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February 16 is the FNW Book Signing!

Hi Writers!

Everything is Broken- ecover finalHere’s an excellent opportunity to escape from your keyboard and mingle with like minds. Be sure to pencil in Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 6 p.m. on your social calendar. Join your peers to celebrate the debut of “Everything Is Broken” at Books & Books in Coral Gables. Bring your camera, smart phone, or anything that snaps up an image of the event. Selfies with the authors are encouraged. 

Everything Is Broken” is the first anthology of John Dufresene’s Friday Night Writers. The book features stories by David Beaty, Louis K. Lowy, Lisbeth Solomon, Ingrid López, Tim Curtis, and Michael Creeden.  The six are active contributors with John Dufresene’s Friday Night Writers, which meets regularly during the academic year at Florida International University.

You can view the event on the FNW calendar here.

Books & Books Coral Gables
265 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, FL  33134
(305) 442-4408

The Write Stuff

Writing Groups Provide Support to South Florida Writers


Listen and comment: Petezi Sack, Joey Naudic and Deborah Sharp listen closely during a Tuesday Night Writers meeting. Afterwards, the entire group offers criticism and advice.

“We have probably killed 200 people between us,” Bob Williamson said suggestively, a dark gleam in his eye. 

All fictional deaths, of course. Williamson is referring to the Florida chapter of Mystery Writers of America, where he serves as president. With over 3,000 members, 300 in Florida alone, MWA is one of the largest writing organizations in the country. The group sponsors writing symposiums, provides writing scholarships, and sponsors child literacy programs, as well as awarding Edgars® to deserving crime and mystery authors.

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John Dufresne: Miami’s Muse

It’s Friday night, and most of John Dufresne‘s colleagues and creative writing students are either unwinding from a long week of classes or working on their manuscripts.

But Dufresne is still in front of a class — only this class is free, no enrollment necessary. Just show up with a story, a scene from a screenplay, an episode from a memoir, or a chapter of that novel you’ve been working on, and it’ll be sure to get critiqued by the class of more than two dozen aspiring authors, as well as by one of the nation’s most respected creative writing teachers.

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